Scorpio: Easy things don’t bring real results

Scorpio spans from October 23 to November 21.

My dear Scorpio.

I see lightning all around you. But remember—it’s rare for lightning to strike a person directly. You will witness many things happening around you, and through it all, you will realize just how capable you are of completing the goals you have set for yourself.

The one word you must not embrace is PROCRASTINATION. Instead, make this your mindset:

You often worry in advance about things that turn out to be simple to resolve. Stop overthinking—just act. Energy, Humor & Generosity There is a vibrant, lighthearted energy around you—humor, generosity, and an effortless exchange of giving and receiving. You tend to magnify small things in your mind, when in reality, they are nothing more than dust and illusions. Avoid competition with others—it will only drain you.

You are a unique and powerful soul—if you focus solely on yourself, the solutions will come. To achieve what you truly desire, you must take risks. If things come too easily, they won’t bring the results you seek. Playing it safe will only make you feel trapped.

Venus is sending its arrows in your direction. Love is on the horizon, but you need to make space for it. If you want love to blossom, you must invite it in. If you refuse to change or open your heart, it could create unnecessary obstacles. Welcome love—literally. Whether that means a coffee date or simply allowing someone new into your life, your energy is radiating passion and attraction, even if you don’t see it yourself.

You have many more admirers than you realize. This applies to both singles and those in relationships—love is evolving, whether romantic or in a different form.

As the month progresses, you will find yourself getting highly organized—almost like a bookkeeper of your own life. You’ll be writing things down, making plans, and restructuring your priorities. This will give you a renewed sense of strength and energy, something that may have felt lacking lately.

Now is not the time to withdraw or hide away. This is the moment to open your heart and live fully. Life is calling—step up and embrace it!

Hugs and kisses,
Sigga Kling

Famous Scorpio´s in Iceland

Aron Can leikari, hiphop listamaður og rappari. 18. nóvember 1999.

Björk Guðmundsdóttir, íslenskur tónlistarmaður sem hefur náð alþjóðlegri hylli. 21 nóvember 1965.

Julia Roberts leikkona. 28. október 1967.

Karl III Bretakonungur. 14. nóvember 1948.

„Prettyboitjokkó” (fullu nafni Patrik Snær Atlason) poppstjarna. 2 nóvember 1994.

Ryan Reynolds leikari. 23. október 1976.

February Astrology readings from Sigga Kling

March 21 to April 19

Aries: Everything will work out

April 20 to May 20

Taurus: You will start noticing the little things

May 21 to June 20

Gemini: You have great cards in your hand

June 21 to July 22

Cancer: You are a superstar

July 23 to August 22

Leo: Allow yourself to rest

August 23 to September 22

Virgo: To hold on or to let go of love?

September 23 to October 22

Libra: You can’t be bothered with drama

October 23 to November 21

Scorpio: Easy things don’t bring real results

November 22 to December 21

Sagittarius: You are open to life

December 22 to January 19

Capricorn: You’ll get a better deal than you expected

January 20 to February 18

Aquarius: You have a magnetic attraction

February 19 to March 20

Pisces: You will be like a happy puppy!
