Capricorn: You’ll get a better deal than you expected
Capricorn spans from December 22 to January 19.
My dear Capricorn.
You have been worrying about so many things, feeling like you’ve been treated unfairly in different situations. Your thoughts have been racing at 1,000 km per hour, trying to make sense of it all.
But know this—you had to go through these difficulties because they are leading you toward a brighter future. Everything you’ve faced—the challenges, setbacks, and unfair circumstances—are actually paving the way for something far better than you ever expected.
A series of events (though I don’t believe in coincidences) will guide you toward an incredible new path—one you never saw coming. A lot will happen at the last minute, and you’ll be shocked at how things suddenly fall into place.
There is a lot of work ahead, but it’s not overwhelming—just small tasks and details that will make life easier and bring you peace. Pay attention to the little things, as they will help you simplify your life. Around the Full Moon on February 12, be extra careful.
This is not the time to party, take risks, or experiment with mind-altering substances. Doing so could create unnecessary chaos in your life.
There seems to be a family gathering on the horizon, where plans will be made, and things will be worked out in a positive way. Your energy has been intense, but that’s actually a good thing—you perform best when you’re slightly on edge, always on your toes. In love, something new may be unfolding, and if so, it has the potential to turn into a deep, meaningful relationship. Give it time and patience, and it could be something truly special.
If you’re already in a relationship, put in extra effort for your partner—do small things for them unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. Even if you don’t get an immediate response, this will strengthen your bond over time, and deeper love will grow as you continue to give selflessly.
Where love is strong, everything flows smoothly.
Money is not something to stress over—because, honestly, money doesn’t worry about you! Everything will work out just fine.
Hugs and kisses,
Sigga Kling

Famous Capricorn´s in Iceland
Aron Már Ólafsson leikari. 12. janúar 1993.
David Bowie söngvari, leikari, tónlistar og lagahöfundur. 8. janúar 1947.
Elvis Presley konungur rokksins, söngvari og leikari. 8. janúar 1935.
Jón Gnarr grínisti og fyrverandi borgarstjóri. 2. janúar 1967.
Linda Pétursdóttir lífstílsþjálfari og fyrrum Miss World. 27. desember 1969.
Timothée Chalamet leikari. 27. desember 1995.