Scorpio: No dull moments this year
Scorpio spans from October 23 to November 21.
My dear Scorpio.
You’re heading into such a powerful year, one that could lift you to great heights but also keep you grounded at times. The key to ensuring everything goes the way you want is to bring calmness to your mind. Say to yourself, “I am calm.” When speaking to yourself, it’s crucial to phrase affirmations about what you desire: “I am healthy,” “I am powerful.” I promise you, this works wonders because it connects you to the divine part of yourself, and it truly works.
There is creative energy within you that will be unlocked this year. Creativity can manifest in anything, from art to ideas you act upon. Your strongest period will come when spring arrives—everything will fall into place. Even if you think things aren’t good enough, trust that you’ll hit the mark. This might even happen earlier in the year.
Summer will be fun and emotional; this year could be called the “year of emotions.” It’s important for you to use music and anything that moves your mind—listen to the wind, or go to the sea. Doing so will bring you good feelings and help fix anything you feel is lacking.
I see a lot of charisma surrounding you. If you’re single, take things seriously in your relationships; otherwise, you might end up in deep trouble by misusing your emotions. Be honest from the start with those you’re drawn to. Throughout it all, you must be a good leader. A good leader brings people along, and that will happen for you. You won’t be open about everything, and that’s okay, as you’ve had difficulties trusting people in the past. There’s truth in the saying, “What three people know, the world knows.” carisma í kringum þig og ef þú ert á lausu skaltu spá í að gera hlutina í alvöru annars lendirðu í hyldýpi erfiðleika því þú notaðir tilfinningar þínar á rangan máta. Svo vertu heiðarlegur frá byrjun við þá sem þú laðast að. Í þessu öllu saman verður þú að vera góður leiðtogi, hann fær nefnilega fólk með sér og það mun gerast. Þú verður ekki opinn með alla hluti og það er gott því þú hefur lent í veseni í sambandi við manneskjur sem þú hefur treyst. Þjóð veit þá þrír vita stendur einhvers staðar.
In March, you will either go on a journey or plan one that will take place later in the year. This journey will have a special purpose. Whether it’s long or short, it will be significant because someone on this trip will change your perspective or reveal something you need to know.
It’s going to be a remarkable year for you, with no dull moments. Your mind has many “rooms,” so if you take on too much at once, you may find it difficult to complete everything. This is why you need to let your emotions guide you—what feels right for this day, this hour. Listen to your heart because the heart has no ego. It contains 40,000 cells similar to brain cells, creating a strong connection between your heart and soul this year. You will adorn your world and find great happiness in friendships, whether old or new.
Happy New Year, my dear Scorpio.
Hugs and kisses,
Sigga Kling
Scorpio neclace
Famous Scorpio´s in Iceland
Aron Can leikari, hiphop listamaður og rappari. 18. nóvember 1999.
Björk Guðmundsdóttir, íslenskur tónlistarmaður sem hefur náð alþjóðlegri hylli. 21 nóvember 1965.
Julia Roberts leikkona. 28. október 1967.
Karl III Bretakonungur. 14. nóvember 1948.
„Prettyboitjokkó” (fullu nafni Patrik Snær Atlason) poppstjarna. 2 nóvember 1994.
Ryan Reynolds leikari. 23. október 1976.